caerula's Diaryland Diary


now like my innocence pie gone

Oh joy. Joy joy joy. I finished quilting the main design part of Damn Quilt yesterday, and now have only the borders and binding left. Which, while difficult, will not be impossible to complete in two days. And next week I will actually have FREE TIME in the evenings. What the hell is that? I don't remember!

And in other news, I finally, finally, have something new to do at work (sorry, Cyn); the project I mentioned ages and ages ago is finally getting started, and today I am looking up OCLC records for American 18th century periodicals so I can catalog the microfilm. These things are awesome; they have great titles for one, and while are the equivalent of our National Enquirer and similar publications, with rumors, speculations, and outright libel, were practically the only source of news for the literate public of the Colonies. Which admittedly was not a great proportion of the population.

Favorite title so far today: New England Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure. The Puritan Pl@yboy? Oh, get your mind out of the gutter � these were our hardy New England ancestors, remember? And some are so general as to be even more amusing: Monthly Magazine. Not a hint at contents. Universal Asylum. Hmmm. General Magazine. Even better. And do you know how many publications in the 1780s called themselves the American Magazine? No? Well, I do, now. Lots, that's how many.

I keep getting Googled for "Smuckers Puckers" jellybeans. I don't know where to get them, folks. I only saw them at Target at Easter, haven't seem them since. If you find out, let me know.

It is blessedly cool today, after weeks of stinking hot weather. And it's supposed to be in the low 80s all week. Now this is appropriate Michigan summer weather. I can get into my car with getting third degree burns on my hands from the steering wheel and seatbelt thingy, and we don't have to constantly run the AC. The breeze from open windows feels good. We can actually OPEN the windows. And my bitty flower garden is looking happy again after the weekend's rain. We have two sunflowers which have finally opened up. Of course, I planted a half a seed packet full and only two made it, but maybe we'll have more next year. The dahlias are gorgeous, the pansies and petunias HUGE, and the moss roses are spreading all over the place. There's a patch right in the middle where nothing lived; I'm not sure what to do with that. Maybe try to find a garden statue that not a ucky precious cherub on clearance somewhere. I covet Swwoop's Buddha.

NEW! Weebl & Bob up. Don't miss it. "Now pie gone. Yet we hunger." Hee!

Somehow I missed this site when Nightngale linked to it like a month and a half ago. Oh, wait, that's when I was having a nervous breakdown. Anyway, it's funny. Particularly this bit (not appropriate for work, btw). Just, you know, don't look if you take the Bible really, really, word for word seriously and have no sense of humor about it. Or if you don't think little Lego people are humorous, I guess.

What else? It seems there was something, but now it is gone. Like pie.

12:19 p.m. - July 24, 2002


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