caerula's Diaryland Diary



Loyal readers ask where I've been. Since Sunday, I've been laid low with what must have been some extremely virulent strain of the Vulcan Death Flu.

I was very very very very sick. I was so sick that I passed out in the doctor's office on Monday morning and the nurse had to take me back to the room in a wheelchair. Which was really vaguely embarassing, especially when I didn't turn out to have pneumonia or necrotizing fasciitis (I'm not clear on what that is, but it sounds deadly). Then I just felt like I was being a big baby about having the flu. But seriously, I felt like I was dying. The roots of my hair and my fingernails hurt. Someone was sticking me with pins all down my throat, and it took far too much energy to even lift my head, never mind get off the couch. ""

I'm feeling better, although not exactly 100% yet. I suppose I will drag my carcass into work tomorrow, since GB sounded panicky when I talked to her on the phone yesterday and told her I didn't know if I'd be back this week. Since I still want my vacation in August I should make a good show and work over tomorrow and Friday. We'll see.

Thanks to my loyal readers who succumbed to my plea and signed my guest book. To answer your queries, I am working on getting a page up with pictures of my quilts and stitching that I've done. Not this week, though, since the Flu from the Flaming Nether Regions* laid me low.

I'm tired, and I'm going to bed now.

*Not original phrasing. Don't sue me, Peter David, I'm enjoying your book. Although I will enjoy it more when the words stop moving around and I have enough energy to turn the pages.

9:13 p.m. - 2001-07-25


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