caerula's Diaryland Diary


2nd monday

Whew! Nearly forgot I'd committed to doing this! Good thing I signed up for that email reminder!

PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.22

1. Who or where do you go to when you need help for web-related problems?
Generally one of my very bestest friends Natalieeeeeeeeee, who started learning web design after I did but quickly caught up and outstripped me (get your mind out of the gutter, please. Thank you). She�s a coding genius!

2. There is a big mess of gossip going on in Blogland due to revelations about a very popular Blogger. I got very caught up in reading all the links to links about it until I stopped myself realizing it was none of my business. Do you ever get caught up in gossip, either spreading it or listening to it? How does it make you feel? Or have you ever been the subject of gossip?
Well, I�ve occasionally got caught up in following links on Diaryland and find myself all involved in a big hairy mess, just as you describe above. I try hard not to get caught up IRL to either spreading or listening to it, and when I do, I generally feel pretty sucky about it, and kind of tainted. I have often been the subject of gossip, in junior high, high school, and at one of my recent jobs. In school it made me feel like shit, and I�d come home most days and cry. At the job, I finally had the guts to face it down and come out on top. So I feel pretty strongly in a very negative way about gossip. I know what it can do to a person.

3. In a relationship, when your other takes a dig at you (read: a fight), do you go for the jugular and get "in their face" or try to peacefully smooth things out and have a calm discussion?
I�m not a fighter when it comes to Blue. I try to let things go, to calm him down, to work things out. But if that doesn�t work, I can have a sharp tongue and hit him where it hurts. But it depends on whether or not it�s a battle worth winning. You have to pick your battles, as they say. Same with hubby, same with child.

4. A friend once told me "You can tell when someone is bored with what you are saying to them when they reply with 'That's interesting.'" And I have found this to be pretty dang true. How do you know when someone has lost interest in what you are saying?
Hmm. Does the fact that I find this hard to answer mean that I don�t pay attention to the people I am talking to? I�ll have to observe myself and see. There is one person who always says �mmm-hmmm� in response to anything I say on the phone. I�d say that�s a pretty good sign.

5. Ever get jealous of the popularity other Blogs?
Not really, although of course it's fun to have someone tell you your journal is awesome, or get a new favorites link. Still, I do this for me, not for a reading public, however small or large they might be. I don�t want to be Uncle Bob or anything, and I�m not one to link to every popular diary just so they�ll link back to me. I link to those whose journals touch me in some way, my friends, people I identify with, people who make me laugh my ass off, or any combination therof. I�m not trying to make my life entertaining for others� benefit. It�s just my life. Sometimes, even after a year, it amazes me that anyone reads this at all. I started this to hone my writing skills, to get back into the art of writing, and I think it's working. That's all.

6. What is your favorite dirty word? (those who don't curse can pick your favorite happy word)
Fuckwit. Ever since I read Bridget Jones, I have found that is the perfect expression to describe so many people in the world. Of course, before I met Natalieeeee and Swwoop, I couldn�t even type fuck, let alone say it. Corrupters. But I feel much better now. And since I don�t actually swear all that much, my favorite happy word would have to be nifty.

7.(the continuing story...) OK, we are definitely doing that again. But seeing as it is nearly 6am now, how about breakfast? Anywhere you'd like to go or should we fix our own? What do you like? Or is there something else we need to do first?
So I�ve gone back and read the archives and figured out the story here. Now that we�ve been up all night playing imaginary volleyball, damnit, I need to sleep. So we go back to my mom�s because she makes the the best fluffy-crusty waffles, with strawberries. And whipped cream. Favorite, favorite breakfast ever. I�m sure she won�t mind us waking her up at 6 am to make waffles for us.

BONUS: What have I done to deserve this?
I prefer to believe that no one has done anything to deserve this, because if I believed I�d done anything to deserve the crap that is raining down around me the last couple of years, I must have done something incredibly awful without knowing it and the universe hates me. I�d rather believe, instead, that good and bad luck truly is random; the alternative is that some all-seeing, omnipotent being gives good people good things and random sucky people who may have littered once or told a dirty joke bad things. That would truly suck.

1:39 p.m. - June 03, 2002


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