caerula's Diaryland Diary


idle hands?

Either I'm channeling Mimi today, or I just don't feel like working and the Boss is Out. Or I'm feeling unusually ornery and annoyed at stupid, gullible people. Take your pick.

File under: People With Way Too Much Time On Their Hands:
Face on the Ocean Floor

Face on a Band-Aid? (Warning: a little gross)

If you want to learn Bl@ck M@jic, better get out you Vis@ card; modern S@t@nists don't take American Express

Nothing bugs me more than faulty logic

Learn to be a psychic!

Lousy neighbors? No problem!

Spurious lawsuits are officially out of control. (Note: I know it's a joke. But it's funny.)

Not something I would keep around my house. (Especially if it started talking to me.)

The Archive of Scientists' Trancendent Experiences "lets scientists express these experiences in a safe place." As opposed to expressing them to their colleagues, which would probably get them fired.

That's all for now. More later on the Wild 'n Wacky World of Work Avoidance.

Later: I discover the following:


Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti

Not sure how I feel about this. Sure, she's gorgeous, and she gets Cary Elwes telling her she has perfect breasts, but she's pretty much a ditz. I mean for god's sake, woman, do something to save yourself and don't wait for all the witty and clever men to do it for you!

Oh, and this one is kind of cool:

Which HP Character would curse you?
this quiz was made by Mysti's daughter

Okay, last one, I promise.This one is pretty accurate, too:


find your poetry style
this quiz was made by mamaslyth

So, we debunk the great and not so great myths of our time, while ironically taking internet quizzes written by bored teenagers to tell us things about our lives we could probably figure out on out own. Or didn't need to know in the first place. Sigh. Nothing new under the sun, indeed.

4:30 p.m. - August 23, 2002


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